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HomeKNEKT TV Special Events ArchiveBalancing the Scales

Balancing the Scales

KNEKT TV Special Events Archive

MAKING THE IMPOSSIBLE, POSSIBLE! TAKIN' IT TO THE STREETS! You too CAN make the IMPOSSIBLE, POSSIBLE, when you put your mind to it! If you saw me 6 years ago, you wouldn't recognize me. That's because, 18 months, I lost over 250 lbs, naturally, without the use of a gym, gastric bypass or fad diets! I started walking up to 5 miles a day, making the "sidewalk my treadmill" and I haven't stopped since! Plus, I shopped for food at a 99 Cents Only Stores - coining the phrase, "The 99 Cent Diet!" Check out my Best Selling book, "Balancing the Scales" on Amazon! Filmed and edited by