

HomeOn PurposeS1:E7 Indigenous Answers to Racism

S1:E7 Indigenous Answers to Racism

On Purpose | Season 1

Stereotypes, stigmas, prejudice, bias - all cling to us for one main reason: assumption. We hear it from others or see it on the street or in TV & movies and think that it's true. Racism is born out of these assumptions. How to melt the stereotype threat? Really meet people! When we get out of our comfort zone, our safe area from which we can cast out our perceptions, then we learn that the world is a much different place than we've been told! These wonderful indigenous people, an Australian Aboriginal elder, a Maori Leader from New Zealand, and an artist from Navajo Nation in Arizona remind us that we are all just human beings. We are of one race. We are of one family. One whanau, as it is said in te Reo Maori.

Categories:Systems Busters