

HomeCulture Your CreativeS1:E4 Jesse May Wolfe

S1:E4 Jesse May Wolfe

PREMIUM | Culture Your Creative | Season 1

”AN INFECTIOUS SPIRIT CONNECTING MANY BEAUTIFUL SOULS AROUND THE WORLD.” Jessie May empowers creatives, entrepreneurs, and teams around the world using the HeartRise Method. Over the last decade, she has activated HeartRise globally, sharing the method with educational organizations, leading-edge companies, foundations, and communities. HER RADIANCE IS CONTAGIOUS & WILL EMPOWER YOU TO LIVE YOUR TRUTH From Wellness to Tech, Sports to Advertising, Real Estate to Non-Profit, and Education, HeartRise ignites the heartbeat of culture ~ offering a fresh take on heart-powered leadership. Each experience results in increased emotional intelligence, compassionate communication, creative vision, a sense of belonging, and leadership development. This world traveler Ignites hearts everywhere she goes from London to Hong Kong, Montreal to Los Angeles ~ including Australia, Kenya, India, Costa Rica, Mexico to name only a few. From storytelling and capturing the essence of people, to creating her fashion line & design business, to developing her coaching practice through teaching Eastern/ Western healing modalities, JESSIE MAY IS BUILDING BRIDGES WITH THE LANGUAGE OF THE HEART