

HomeThe Enlightened PassengerS1:E3 Avery Akkineni - President,Vayner3

S1:E3 Avery Akkineni - President,Vayner3

The Enlightened Passenger | Season 1

President of Vayner3, Avery Akkineni is on a mission to help brands succeed in the next era of the internet. In 2021, alongside Gary Vaynerchuk, she co-founded Vayner3, guiding Fortune 500 marketers across strategic innovation initiatives - from blockchain to immersive experiences and AI (www.vayner3.com) – in this short interview she talks about her role with Vayner3 and the experience of bringing their message to the world. To learn more about The Enlightened Passenger, please visit www.peopleonplanes.com To learn more about Corey's Bestselling Book, The Book of WHY (and HOW) at www.thebookofwhy.com