S1:E6 What Cause Eczema & Other Skin Conditions - Neil Cannon
Neil Cannon Vitality Secret | Season 1
Download Report Entitled '7 Ways To Radically Improve Eczema Without Steroids, Antibiotics Or Harmful Moisturisers: TheEczemaSolution.com
I'm often inspired when people call me, to share their story. Today, I spoke with a 27 year old newly qualified doctor who has been suffering from really bad dermatitis - and was weeping from head to toe. She was told categorically by a dermatologist that there is no link between the gut and the skin. We need to be aware that Western-trained doctors do not receive the training to help us heal ourselves - they are trained to treat symptoms. This is great in emergencies and does not work with skin problems (or any of other illness of chronic disease).