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S1:E41 How To Heal Crohn's Diseases - The Vitality Secret Podcast

Neil Cannon Vitality Secret | Season 1

Full Interview here: 1.58 – Allegra was diagnosed at 16 years old with Crohn's Disease 2.23 - "Felt like a dragon was breathing in my intestines." Her bowel was slowly rupturing 3.01 - Allegra was on medications for 20 years 3.10 - As of December 2015, she no longer took any medications 3.40 - She had a flare up whilst watching Dancing With The Stars (for some reason she remembered that!) and made a decision to never be in hospital again for Crohn's Disease. She went on a mission to find the natural solution 4.20 – Her secret ingredient about what changed her life. She learned how to make better choices and eliminate from her diet was her body was reactive to 4.44 - "It's always best to eliminate 4 things…" 6.15 - Difference between US wheat and European wheat 6.28 - In EU they ban over 1300 toxic chemicals. In US, they ban…how many? 7.20 - Experiment with your own body 7.40 - How vegan organic skin care affected her recovery 8.20 - Toxic chemicals in standard skin care products & shower lotions 8.50 - What you put on your skin gets soaks into your blood stream and causes an inflammatory effect. 9.48 - What you put in your body and what you put on your skin goes hand in hand 10 – Her gastroenterologist noticed a vast improvement. She asked what she was doing differently. 10.40 - Her number one piece of advice for tackling Crohn's Disease 11.40 - Allegra coaches and mentors people Crohn's Disease, IBS, Ulcerative Colitis and other intestinal diseases. 12.00 - The Skin care brand to which she refers Contact Allegra here: